Sunday, November 13, 2016

Lights, Camera.....Interview!! - November UPDATE -

Hello all of you lovely readers!!

Well it is Sunday, November 13th, 2016! Last Wednesday I got to do my interview with a interviewer from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine!
I thought it would be a nice little treat to put together some of the questions I was asked, in case any of you , readers, might be preparing for an interview at a Veterinary College or at Ross!
The interview I had took place on Skype so I had to email the lady my Skype username and my CV. CV is a more focused resume, you put all your stuff that would help you to get into Vet school (your volunteer and work hours, school and such.) If you have any questions, just comment below and I can  provide some more detailed outlines.
SO here we go....
1) Basic questions: How did you hear about Ross? Why do you want to be a Veterinarian? Why do you want to come to Ross?

2) GPA & GRE questions: They will touch on any subjects you may not have none so well in. Do not get scared just be honest and explain why you didn't do so well in those courses and then add what you have done to improve on them. Be ready to explain yourself and give examples.
They will ask how you prepared for the GRE, so also be prepared to list what you did for that too.

3.) Work/volunteer questions: Now here I was a little saddened because she only asked me to list off the animals I had seen and worked with in all my hours of working and volunteering. (which has been  everything from turtles to chickens to horses to cats to even a squirrel) But she really didn't dig any deeper into the subject but I had a lot of information on my CV , so maybe that's why she only asked that one question.

4) Personal Questions: What is your great strength and your greatest weakness? this one is always hard for me because I am never really sure what to say on this one. My mind always tells me to tell them that my biggest weakest is desserts but I'm pretty sure that's not what the girl meant! Hahaha

The interview it's self took about 45 mins. I was a little offset by the fact that it was on Skype but I got use to it. I caught myself staring at myself while I talked to see if I was making a weird face or anything. Which is completely noticeable from where my eyes are looking, so she totally knew. It was weird to look at her when she talked because I knew i should be looking into the camera but it wasn't the most natural thing in the world. To top it all off, I was getting over a cold so I was coughing every 10mins! I kept apologizing but i still felt so embarrassed! Eek!

But it's over and done with! So now I just have to wait 1 to 2 weeks to hear back from them. I was told it will be a phone call. They will either tell me;
1) yes, you got in! Pack your bags!
2) no, sorry you didn't make it....Try again
or ......(3) We would like to offer you a seat in our Vet Prep Course (which is a prep semester you take , down on the island and if you pass that semester you get "grandfathered" into a seat in the next semester (aka your first real vet school semester))

Well I should hear back by Thanksgiving so I will keep you all posted. (Keeping in mind that if I get offered a seat in 1st semester or Vet Prep, it still all depends on me passing my genetics and biochemistry that I am currently taking).

Friday, November 4, 2016

October 2016 Update

Okay so I received an email from the Ross admission department and guess what!

They are offering me an interview! I have it scheduled for next week and I'm pretty excited but also a little nervous. I'm still focusing hard on my classes i'm still in the progress of taking, which are Genetics and Biochemistry. I have to stay focused so I can pass these course so that if I get offered a seat in the DVM program I will be able to accept it. Things are happening really fast but my advice to anyone who is applying or going to apply to Ross, don't be afraid to call and check on your applications status. This is your dream and when you call to make sure you are doing everything you need to be, it shows your passion and your willingness to do what needs to be done to achieve your dream!

Surround yourself with a great support system! I'm blessed to have such wonderful friends, family and mentors who continue to support me. It's great to have such a support system but I'm also worried that if I'm not accepted this time, I will have let them down. I want to make them proud, but the only way to do that is to just keep on forging ahead.

Onward and upward, my friends!!

Promise to keep you posted