Well, I’m all packed and ready to go to the airport. I have three bags to check, one carry-on and my personal item ( a very stuffed backpack).
My flight was originally scheduled for 6:15pm but kept getting delayed. First to 7:00pm then to 7:15, 7:30, 7:55 and finally to 8:01pm. So it was a lot of sitting in our living room, trying to not leave too early for the airport.
When we arrived at the Wichita Airport, I went to check my three bags. When I got to the counter I was told that the statement I had originally been told, that I could take three checked bags, had changed to two check bag restriction. So of course, my stomach promptly turned into a knot! I pulled my three bags over to where my mom and Dad were sitting and started playing the ultimate game of “Need VS. Want”. I may have hated the game but I totally won, with the help of mom, Dad and W. I won’t have been able to do it without them, especially W! He was a lifesaver!
I was definitely a sight as people walked into the airport and see me, on my knees with my bras, toothpaste and such all over the floor around me.
After packing all my needs into two of the three bags, I went back up to the counter and checked my two bags. The lady behind the counter reminded to collect them in Dallas before my next flight the following morning. My mother had the brilliant idea that a friend I had made who is a returning Ross student who also lives in Wichita and was here over break, could possibly take my third suitcase!!! This is why you should always be kind to your mother (and dads)because they are amazing and you would probably die without them!
So Dad was the source of reason when he suggested we all go grab a coffee or some snacks before we went upstairs to the TSA. As we sat around that little coffee table, I looked at my family and realized just how lucky I was to have them and how much I wanted and needed to make them proud. I opened my phone and saw all the messages from my family and dear friends, wishing me well and safe travels. I feel truly blessed.
After a bit, it was time to go upstairs so I could go through TSA. There had been so many tears (most of them, of course, coming from me....with mom coming in a close second place for volume of tears cried) and you better believe I cried, even more, saying goodbye to each of them. They watched as I went through TSA and, Lucky SJ, getting “randomly selected “ for additional screening. But it honestly wasn’t too bad. I was too excited and emotional to let anything break my positive spirit.
After going through TSA, I found my flight gate and waited to be called up to board. There ended up only being about 15 people on my flight. I got a whole row to myself, which is good because my carry on bag was just a wee too big to fit in the overhead bin. But with a smile, the flight attendant came to my rescue! He offered me a thick trash bag and I put my liquid bag, makeup bag and my pair of jeans in it and tried again to put my bag in the overhead bin. It fit in! So with the extra space on my empty row, I had a lovely flight from Wichita to Dallas. Once I landed and got clearance to turn my phone back on, I went ahead and rung my hotel to let them know and to sent the shuttle my way. She asked if I had any checked bags to retrieve and I said yes. She informed me to call again when I had successfully collected all my bags.
I made my way off the plane and to the baggage carousels. The lady behind the American Airlines desk informed me that I was at the correct place to collect my luggage. So I took and waited.....I waited for a whole hour. After which, I decided to check back in with the same lady. I waited for a gentleman who was yelling and screaming at her. He was upset that his luggage was delayed and won’t arrive until midnight. Once it was my turn, I knew had to be sweet as pie to this lady (1. Because that gentleman had just finished screaming at her and 2. Because she a person just trying to do her job and help and finally 3. Because you catch more flies with honey than vinegar).
I gave her my luggage numbers and she informed me that my luggage must have been misplaced and as I was about to start filling out the paperwork for lost luggage, she informs me that my luggage is getting ready to go on my flight for Miami that leaves in the morning. So basically I waited at the luggage carousel for an hour...just for the fun of it. Being relieved that my luggage was not lost, I called my hotel again and waited for my shuttle to arrive. It took me to my hotel and I finally got to lay my head down on a pillow at 11:30pm. I was dog tired, I’ll tell you what! But I melted into the bed and slept like a baby if a baby sleeps with a fort of pillows around them.

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