Sunday, January 14, 2018

Semester Colors Explained

So this was something I have come to fully understand since I've been here and I wish to pass on the knowledge that I have learned.

First thing first, the understanding that every semester gets a color. That semester class stays the same color until they leave the island to go to their clinics. Along with getting your own semester class color, you and your semester pick a mascot for your class as well!

So.... right now,

 1st semester is the GREEN semester and they will be called green semester until they leave to go to clinics. They have picked their semester class mascot, which is a Stag.

2nd semesters are the BLACK Cats

3rd semesters are the PINK Narwhals

4th semesters are the BLUE Blue Footed Boobies (it's the national bird of St.Kitts)

5th semester is the ORANGE Tigers

6th semester is the RED Lions

7th semester is the PURPLE Stingrays

Now since I came in as a Vet Prepper, I'm kinda lumped into the green semester with the first semester students but next semester when I go into 1st semester, we will take over PURPLE. So we will be the Purple semester and then we will also, as a class, vote on our new mascot for our semester.

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